Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ashley's Last Day of Preschool

Here is a picture of Ashley on her 1st day of preschool.

Here is a picture of Ashley on her last day of preschool!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pool Party

On Weds. nights Glen and I have Life Group at our house. This week we decided to go to our community pool. It was so refreshing to get a break from this NC heat!

Daddy, John, Morgan & Ashley

Ashley & her noodle!

John & the super soaker!

Kristy, Morgan, Miller & Miranda

Jesse & Miller

In the background you can see our awesome clubhouse and water slide! The slide is so much fun!

Jesse, Miranda & Miller

Steve & Jake

Tracey & Cecelia (Jake & Cecelia are twins)

The Crew

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

More Pictures From VA Beach

Uncle Cy & Ashley

John, Sterling & Ashley


The Crew - Cyrus (my brother), Grandma (my mom), GG (my grandma), Aunt Ginny, Me, Morgan, Ashley, John, Sterling (Will & Amy's daughter), CiCi (Will & Amy's daughter), Amy (Will's wife), Poppy (Dad), Liz (my sister), Mike (Liz's husband), Glen & Will (my brother).

Cyrus & his talented girlfriend, Amy. She is the family photographer and is the one responsible for all these amazing pictures! Thanks, Amy!

Ashley was helping Grandma unwrap her birthday presents!

John wasn't really into the gifts ~ he was all about the cake and ice cream!

My precious Morgan!

Amy, Lizzie & Me

Morgan & Poppy

Monday, June 2, 2008

A Look Back.......

One year ago today we dedicated John & Morgan to the Lord. Morgan was 3 1/2 weeks old, John was just about 17 months, and Ashley was almost 3! What awesome gifts we have been blessed with! About 20 more weeks and I'll have another angel baby!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

KidSpace - Church Event

Morgan is such a good sport. She's too little to participate so she had to sit in her stroller all afternoon dripping with sweat in the 92 degree heat!

Ashley is dancing to the music.

John is checking out the bubble machine on the dance floor!

Ashley & John dancing with Brooke. She babysits for us on Weds. nights during Life Group.

Now the dance floor is hoppin'!

Ashley sliding down the big gorilla slide!